Nicola Wilson ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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Nicola Wilson ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️



My Story

Hi, My name is Nicola and I’ve been with scentsy since 2018! Thank you for visiting my website, and taking the time to read my story.

This Scentsy chapter of mine all started after going to a friends home scentsy party. I came away totally in love with a scent and couldn’t wait to receive my mini warmer and wax. That’s all it took to get me hooked!

I instantly fell in love with the fact my home smelt so good and I just wanted more. I saw what freebies you could get as a consultant and joined just a short while after having my first ever products. I never thought any further than that.

Little did I know it would lead to what it did. It gave me a focus in life. I’d recently lost my dad and that took a whole chunk of my time, caring for him so I had a big void which scentsy filled.

It seemed easy at the time for me to share these products as people could see how passionate I was about them and my love for it. That is very contagious!

Sharing my love of the products and triggering happy memories for lots of my customers (because thats what the sense of smell does) is something I really enjoy.
Obviously the fact that our products are completely safe for children and pets, no flame, soot or toxins, also makes them a very attractive products.

I have been fortunate enough to earn 4 worldwide incentives trips too with Scentsy, which were absolutely incredible!

My very first one, I was one of the Top 100 consultants in the world and also bagged my self a very nice budget to extend the holiday, upgrade our flights, travel in style and treat ourselves to some luxury whilst away. Needless to say, we had the time of our lives.

Scentsy fits into my life, around my part time job, and family life. The friendships I’ve made since joining scentsy are second to none, and that’s another reason I couldn’t imagine scentsy in my life.

So for just a normal girl who thought she’d give it a go,( after all , there’s nothing to lose), I did pretty good. I now have a team of varied ladies and gents, who all have different strories and reasons to do it but we all have that common ground that we love the product! That’s it, it’s as simple as that.

So if you think you’d like to hit that button and give it a go, my advice to you would be ‘just do it’ you really have nothing to lose and so much to gain.

Thanks again for visiting my website and reading my story.

My Favourite Scents